Impending Military Conflict in Taiwan Threatens Global Economy, Warns Leading Chipmaker

Impending Military Conflict in Taiwan Threatens Global Economy, Warns Leading Chipmaker

HSINCHU, Taiwan—The potential outbreak of military hostilities in Taiwan could have devastating consequences for the global economy, primarily due to the severe disruption it would cause to the semiconductor supply chain, warns Miin Wu, founder and CEO of Macronix, one of Taiwan’s prominent microchip manufacturers. Taiwan, a self-governing democracy located about 100 miles off the…

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Archaeological Breakthrough: Oldest Burial Site Unearthed in South Africa Sheds Light on Human Evolution

Archaeological Breakthrough: Oldest Burial Site Unearthed in South Africa Sheds Light on Human Evolution

In a stunning archaeological discovery, palaeontologists in South Africa have uncovered what is now believed to be the oldest known burial site in the world. The site contains the remains of Homo naledi, a Stone Age hominid species previously thought to lack complex behavior. Led by renowned palaeoanthropologist Lee Berger, the team of researchers made…

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Wildfire Crisis in Canada: 2023 Shaping Up to be a Devastating Year as Fires Rage Across the Country, Fueled by Climate Change

In a recent update from the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre, alarming data reveals that a staggering 2,258 wildfires have ravaged Canada this year alone. Among them, 426 wildfires are currently active, with a concerning 240 classified as out of control. The scale of destruction is already immense, with approximately 3.6 hectares of land consumed by…

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