Archaeological Breakthrough: Oldest Burial Site Unearthed in South Africa Sheds Light on Human Evolution

Archaeological Breakthrough: Oldest Burial Site Unearthed in South Africa Sheds Light on Human Evolution

In a stunning archaeological discovery, palaeontologists in South Africa have uncovered what is now believed to be the oldest known burial site in the world. The site contains the remains of Homo naledi, a Stone Age hominid species previously thought to lack complex behavior. Led by renowned palaeoanthropologist Lee Berger, the team of researchers made…

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Ancient Architectural Marvels Revealed: Unearthing the World's Oldest Scale Building Plans

Ancient Architectural Marvels Revealed: Unearthing the World’s Oldest Scale Building Plans

In a groundbreaking archaeological discovery, researchers have unearthed two exquisitely engraved stones in the Middle East, shedding light on the ingenuity and precision of ancient craftsmanship. These remarkable findings represent the oldest known scale building plans ever discovered, transporting us back thousands of years to an era of remarkable architectural prowess. One of these awe-inspiring…

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